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Building the SEO School

The Story Behind Janine Marriott’s SEO School

By 15th August 2024September 30th, 2024No Comments

A Membership not a Course, and Here’s Why…….

I’m excited to share the journey of my SEO School, which I like to think is a new approach to SEO training, primarily because the school is a membership and not a course.

The difference being, that all members get ongoing support throughout their SEO journey. The frustration of being taught something and then having no one to ask afterwards, is one that I remember only to well and my main inspiration for creating the Janine Marriott SEO School.

When I launched the school, the intention was to carve a niche in the market by offering a simple yet effective training platform for everyone; from small business owners who know they need to be doing SEO but don’t know where to start, to marketing professionals who are looking to apply new skills within the workplace. Seeing the success of the members and watching the visibility of their websites increase in the SERPs (Search Engine Results Pages) is both testament to the effort that is being put in, the way they apply what they’re being taught and the support they are receiving whilst they are doing it.

Graphic showing key topics of Janine Marriott’s SEO School, including keyword research, online coaching, and content strategy.My Journey

My passion for helping businesses boost their online presence and learn the truth about SEO started over a decade ago as a joint founder of Scottish based business Access Plus Ltd, when I took on the role of ‘making the website work’

I didn’t at that time have a clue where to start and quickly realised there was a distinct lack of training courses and follow on support for SEO. There were, however, a lot of companies happy to take £1000’s from us as a company, promising to get us on to page one for keywords (whatever they were) and laterally I realised they had nothing to do with what our customers were looking for.

After a lot of time and financial investment doing online training with various American companies, I realised I loved the world of SEO and was good at it. Long story short, I left Access Plus Ltd to go out into the world and teach other business owners the truth about SEO. What they could realistically expect to do themselves, and at the very least, to understand the terminology so they could speak to their agencies with confidence.

Life happens, SEO constantly evolves and I soon learnt that to be able to see things from all sides, a more general Digital Marketing understanding was required. So, I again invested money and time completing various Digital Marketing courses, whilst continuously working on my passion for SEO.

Covid hit, and the inevitable happened. I then worked at a couple of Digital Agencies before launching my SEO School in May 2024.

Inspiration Behind the School

The idea for Janine Marriott SEO School came from my desire to demystify SEO and make it accessible to more people. I noticed a significant gap in the market for practical, hands-on SEO training with ongoing support. I want to empower businesses and individuals to control their online visibility, without having to rely on so-called ‘experts’ promising the world but delivering nothing.

Motivated by my frustration with companies that send business owners emails promising unrealistic SEO results, criticising their websites, and charging exorbitant fees, I started the school for business owners. The goal is to empower them to take control, understand their website’s performance, and determine what actions are needed. This way, when they need to involve their developers, they know exactly what tasks to request and what outcomes to expect.

SEO School Objectives

My main goals at Janine Marriott SEO School are to:

  1. Equip members with a thorough understanding of SEO principles and techniques.
  2. Provide a step by step ‘To Do List’ for members to work through to increase chances of showing up in search results.
  3. Support businesses in enhancing their online presence through in-house SEO expertise.

SEO School Teaching Methodology

My teaching blends theory with practice. I emphasise understanding SEO concepts and support the implementation either inhouse or with external developers.

  1. Live Workshops: Regular Power Hours & Drop In FAQ Sessions
  2. Easy to Digest Video Content – Study at your own pace, knowing I am there for support each step of the way..
  3. Webinars and Online Sessions: Flexible learning options for different schedules.
  4. Coaching: Personalised guidance and feedback to refine skills (Silver & Gold Membership)

Success Stories

As the school develops, so does success. The measurement of success is personal and viewed differently based on individual circumstance.

Some owners have technical issues stopping their website from performing and these are being cleared up. Others have target keywords that they want to rank for, and these are seeing a rise in position. Some members are working with external agencies and as a result of being in the school, their relationship is developing.

For me, when I’m on my power hours or having 1:1’s it’s not only the SERPs that make me happy but the way in which the members are now using the terminology correctly and asking me questions in the way they never would have before.

SEO Knowledge

Do I know everything about SEO? No of course I don’t, I don’t pretend to and I never will! SEO is constantly evolving and that’s why I love it.

I will never say that I know something if I don’t, and if I feel my members need more expert advice then I will certainly tell them and point them in the right direction. There are reasons why there are Technical SEO experts, Link Building Experts and Content Experts. There are also reasons we have Web Developers and Designers.

I do however, know the right questions to ask and how to speak to developers about most things, so if there is something I identify that isn’t right, but I haven’t dealt with it before, I am fortunate enough to have the most amazing network of experts and friends in the industry who I can go to for advice.


Janine Marriott SEO School was founded by Janine Marriott to fill a gap in the market for practical, hands-on SEO training with ongoing support. The school offers training & support (and homework!) designed to empower businesses and individuals to take control of their online visibility by equipping them with a thorough understanding of SEO principles and techniques. The school offers various learning formats including workshops, video content, webinars, and coaching sessions.

Please get in touch to find out if Janine Marriott SEO School is right for you.