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Janine Marriott
SEO School

Trustworthy Advice in Plain English

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SEO School: Take Control of Your Own SEO Strategy

Stay ahead in the ever-changing world of SEO without the hassle!

If you’re a small business owner or marketing manager feeling overwhelmed by SEO, the SEO School is perfect for you!

Benefit from our comprehensive library of short, easy-to-understand learning materials, and receive continuous support through personalised and weekly group coaching sessions tailored to your needs.

The membership is perfect for you if you’re feeling:

  • Overwhelmed: Struggling with too much SEO information and unsure where to start.
  • Confused: Lost in SEO jargon and implementation techniques.
  • Sceptical: Wary of SEO agencies and consultants due to a lack of knowledge.
  • Uncertain: Doubtful about SEO’s benefits and the right strategy for your business.
  • Intimidated: Confused by technical SEO aspects and worried about costly mistakes.
  • Frustrated: Lacking progress despite your SEO efforts or agency investments.
  • Anxious: Hesitant about investing in SEO without guaranteed returns.
  • Excited to Grow: Recognise SEO’s potential but unsure how to leverage it.

Being a Member will help you feel:

  • Confident & In Control: Master SEO terminology and strategies for in-house or agency use.
  • Relieved & Empowered: Gain clarity and direction, making SEO manageable and actionable.
  • Optimistic & Motivated: See results and understand the impact of your SEO efforts.
  • Enlightened & Satisfied: Appreciate effective strategies and feel your investment was worthwhile.
  • Supported: Access to a trusted consultant and valuable training materials.

Choose from one of three different membership options

(Most Popular)
(Most Value)
(More Bespoke)
1 hour onboarding consultancy call
Supporting website reports for your fundamental training
Access to all learning material
Access to all recordings
12 hours/month group consulting calls & FAQ drop in sessions (Tuesdays)
Invite to monthly webinars
AI Assisted Chatbot – answering your questions 24/7
Bonus – 30 Day Plan Video Series to increase your online presence
Results Tracked & Measured Monthly Video Instruction
Competitor Research Keyword Performance Video Instruction
Technical SEO Audit Video Instruction
Content Analysis Video Instruction
Competitor Backlink Audit Video Instruction
Email Support
Feedback on Homework
Recorded 1:1 training calls if requested
To Do List Personalised
Monthly targeted Keywords & Content Briefs Provided 1 2 4
1:1 Consultancy calls/month 2 3
Additional Analysis & Strategy Time Max 1 Day Max 1.5 Days
Minimum Commitment 6 Months 3 Months 3 Months
Monthly Cost £147 £650 £795

Why trust Janine Marriott to
work with you on your SEO?

How are you Qualified to be Teaching me SEO?

Janine Marriott is the founder of Janine Marriott SEO and began her journey into Search Engine Optimisation over 15 years ago when she co-founded Access Plus Scotland Ltd. Tasked with ‘making the website work,’ Janine quickly became frustrated with the lack of training and support available to business owners wanting to learn about SEO. Her frustration grew when agencies took advantage of her lack of SEO knowledge, promising page-one results for irrelevant search terms and charging thousands of pounds for their services.

After mastering the (much simpler back then) art of SEO, Janine discovered a passion for it and realised she was good at it. She left the company to teach other business owners the truth about SEO, empowering them to implement it themselves or at least understand what to expect from an SEO agency if they decided to outsource.

Over the years, Janine has met many small business owners while writing and presenting webinars both as an independent consultant and on behalf of the Business Gateway in Scotland. Listening to these owners’ pain and frustration reinforced Janine’s belief in the need for a supportive SEO community for startups and SMEs. Additionally, she saw the necessity for mentorship for digital agencies that do not offer SEO services.

On May 1, 2024, after a brief stint as a Senior SEO Strategist at a specialist SEO agency, Janine realised she missed the satisfaction of providing personal 11 help. This led to the launch of the Janine Marriott SEO School, a place where she could offer the support and mentorship she is passionate about.

Reviews are invaluable to Janine and you can read them on Google and LinkedIn. If you have any questions or would like to talk about whether the school is right for you, you can book a free, no obligation 1⁄2 hour chat here.

Who is the SEO School For?

The SEO School is for you if you are one of the following:

  • A business owner looking to upskill your team in SEO & are looking for ongoing mentorship & support.
  • A business owner who is frustrated by SEO and doesn’t know where to start – you want a to do list and support to implement the work.
  • If you have been using an agency but you are not getting the results you need and/or you don’t understand what they are doing. You want a better understanding of SEO and the terminology so you can have a proper conversation with them, know if it’s value for money and decide if you are happy to continue or want to take it in house.
  • If you are a traditional marketer, and have recently been given the job of transitioning to digital and are now in charge of the website and don’t know where to start.
  • A small business owner who wants more visibility in Google but isn’t ready to embrace or afford a SEO Agency.
  • A digital marketing agency or web developer who doesn’t currently offer SEO but would like to.

Is there anyone the SEO School is not Suitable for?

The School is not suitable for anyone looking to have their SEO done for them, although I can provide you with some reputable SEO Agencies on request. I am not a developer but I know how to talk to them and will happily do so on your behalf if there are any technical issues that need addressing.

It is not suitable for companies with very large websites that really require 11 attention from a dedicated SEO Agency. If there is any doubt whether your business is suitable for the School I will identify that on our intro call and advise accordingly.

If, once the audit has been done, I identify major issues, I will advise you and we can talk through whether you will benefit from the school, or whether more specialist help is needed. If this is the case, you will not be asked to pay for a minimum 6 month membership.

Do you go into the back of my website and make the changes for me?

No, you will need to make all the changes yourself, or work with a developer to do so. Depending on how your website has been built and on which platform, will depend on how the back end works. I am certainly happy for you to share your screen and I will try to assist you, however I don’t take responsibility for any back end work on your site.

Is this a course or a membership model?

The difference between a course and a membership model is that with a membership you receive ongoing support whilst you learn, rather than buying or attending a course or webinar and then being left to it with no one to ask.

The school is a little different because you have access to all the learning material you need, backed up by support or mentorship, depending on the type of support you need, which is why it is a membership model.

How long does the programme last?

The programme has been designed to be taken over 12 months to allow you time to digest the content and implement what you learn. Once you have consumed all the content, you can downgrade to the maintenance package if you wish to continue with access to the ongoing drop in sessions. If you wish to leave all together you will still have access to the course material and videos for as long as the business is owned by me.

Is the programme structured?

Yes very much so, and additionally it’s tailored to your needs. When you first join the school, you will book an onboarding call with me where I will get to know your business better, your current needs when it comes to SEO and the level of knowledge you already have.

After that, there are a series of videos for you to watch to help you understand how the search engines work, and what you see in search and why. Understanding the Intent behind the keyword is incredibly important when it comes to learning about SEO and once you have grasped this, it will make the rest of the work we do together much easier for you and it will make much more sense.

Whilst you are consuming these videos, it gives me time to conduct an audit and create your personalised to do list. This to-do list will be shared with you, however not all of it at once, as it can feel overwhelming.

How many modules are in the School?

Currently there are 6 modules in the school, plus additional learning resources which continue to expand as the school develops.

The current modules are:

  1. SEO Fundamentals
  2. Local SEO
  3. Keyword Research
  4. Content Strategy
  5. Off Page SEO & Link Building
  6. Analysing your SEO Results

These may be added to or adjusted as the school develops.

How do you ensure the content stays up-to-date?

The content in the school is regularly updated to reflect the latest trends and changes in SEO. We also incorporate feedback from members to continuously improve and expand our resources. Our passion is SEO and we endeavour to keep on top of SEO trends as much as we possibly can.

Our success is your success and we do everything in our power to stay on top of algorithmic changes and what we learn, we teach. You will have access to any updated course content or announcements with a minimum maintenance membership.

Do you include SEO training for Social Media Platforms?

Not at the moment, however in the Gold membership, if this is needed we definitely do discuss it. In time we will be advising on how to optimise your social media pages, however this is not something that is currently included in the modules.

Does it matter when I join the school? Will I fall behind?

No, the programme is designed to be self paced. As soon as you sign up for the school, you will book an onboarding call with me, where I will get to know your business better, your current needs when it comes to SEO and the level of knowledge you already have. I will make sure you are set up with all the free and freemium tools you will need in the programme and also add your website to my paid versions of the tools so I can audit it. I will also ask for access to your Google Search Console, which we will set up so I can check for any technical issues and also teach you how to do so.

Every other week there are 6 x 1 power hours for each of these modules, which you are welcome to join depending on the stage you are at, or the area you are concentrating on at that time. You will get optional homework if you want to engage in that for each one of the power hours.

The following week I have drop-in sessions at the same time, on the same subject, where you can come in and ask any questions you may have about that topic. These are pretty informal but incredibly useful when you’re learning about SEO. Even if you don’t have questions you are more than welcome to drop in and just listen.

In addition to these modules, every Tuesday from 9.30am – 10.30am we have technical SEO Power hours and from 12.30pm – 1.30pm we have keyword power hours so plenty of time for group support.

How will I know when these sessions are?

There is a calendar in the school that lets you see what’s happening and when, with links to join the zoom calls.

What time are the sessions?

All sessions will be between 8.30am and 6pm to try to accommodate all working patterns.

What if I miss the sessions?

All power hours are recorded and uploaded to the school. If you have a question and are unable to attend the drop in sessions, you can email me and I will answer you ASAP.

Is there a community aspect to the SEO School?

The software we use is called and as of mid August, there will be an online community where members can interact, share insights, and support each other. Since the school launched in May 2024, there have been a number of friendships formed and business interactions as well. The online community feature will be a welcome addition to the school.

Is there a minimum time commitment?

Yes. Because all the material will be available to you when you sign up, and because of the low price of the programme and the time I spend auditing your site, I do ask for a minimum of 6 months commitment. After that time you are free to either leave completely or downgrade to a maintenance package.

Will I have access to the course material if I decide to leave?

Yes, once you leave you will always have access to the course material, but not the power hour recordings or any drop in sessions.

What will I have access to on the maintenance package?

Once you have completed or paid for 6 months of the programme, if you downgrade to the maintenance package you will have access to all the course videos, all the replays and access to me on any of the drop in sessions still.

What is the weekly time commitment?

To be honest, this is very much going to be down to your personal circumstances. Because it’s self paced and there is so much online support, depending on your businesses and the type of website you have (and how much work you need to do on it) I would say an average of 3 – 4 hours a week depending on how much you need or want to do.

How do you handle technical issues with the website or course access?

If you encounter any technical issues, please email me directly on and I will contact the help desk who are excellent. If you lose a zoom link or for any reason you need me to resend it, you can message me on Whatsapp or via LinkedIn and I will endeavour to get it to you ASAP. The first place would be to check your emails though, because as soon as I know just one person has a problem, I will send an updated link to everyone.

Can I pause my membership?

Yes, you can pause your membership for a specified period if needed, however you won’t have access to any course material during that time. Please contact us directly to discuss your situation and we will accommodate as best as we can.

What is the refund policy?

Because the cost of the programme is so low, the value is so high and a minimum of 80% of the course content is immediately available, we do not offer a refund policy. This is a membership programme which is a monthly subscription and we are not responsible for reminding you to use it. We ask you to commit to 6 months and after that you are free to leave or downgrade to a maintenance membership.

What ROI can I expect?

Predicting the return on investment ROI for the SEO School is challenging due to various factors influencing outcomes.

SEO ROI is Long-Term: Unlike paid advertising, SEO is a long-term strategy. It can take several months to start seeing significant results, but these results often compound over time, leading to sustainable traffic growth. We don’t expect you to see results for up to at least 3 months which is another reason why we ask for a minimum 6 month commitment.

We have no control over how much effort you put in: All the content and support will be provided for you, however as we’re sure you can appreciate, we don’t actually have any control over the amount of time you spend implementing the work.

We are not Google: We will never promise you first page results, and neither should anyone. However, we will promise that we will tick every box to ensure we help you give Google what they want, in line with the latest Algorithmic update. Google’s algorithm changes a lot, and search intent changes. Whilst we can teach you to recognise these, we have no control over the speed of them or the changes that are made.

Quantifiable Metrics: In the School you will learn how to measure your key performance indicators KPIs) such as organic traffic, search engine ranking positions SERPs), conversion rates, and revenue generated from organic search. The KPI’s you track will depend upon your business model and the type of strategy we implement. Tools like Google Search Console,Google Analytics and Ahrefs will help you track your KPI’s.

How do I get started?

To get started, contact Janine on 07947 600888 or

We will discuss your requirements and you can simply sign up for the SEO School with the link I’ll provide.

After registering you will have direct access to the school and you will see a link to book your onboarding call from your dashboard.

Will you take holidays?

Yes. I will be taking 4 full weeks of holiday across the year + Bank Holidays and I will let you know in advance when this will be. I promise I’ll leave you plenty to be getting on with though!

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